Federation Mining is committed to the care of the environment and to the consideration and support of the stakeholder community, before, during and after the development of the Snowy River Project.
The objective of our sustainability efforts is to deliver value to our stakeholders over the long term through safe, environmentally responsible and socially respectful operations. You can find out more about our approach in our Sustainability Reports.
We place great importance on implementing and sustaining high standards and in building stable partnerships within the community.
Health, Safety & Training
modern slavery
climate change position

Demonstrate good corporate governance and comply with local laws and regulations
Implement effective management systems and risk assurance processes
Implement and maintain sound risk management processes
Demonstrate high standards of environmental and resource stewardship
Actively manage our supply chains and ethically procure all goods and services
Operate at the highest standards of financial and ethical behaviour

Engage and foster positive, constructive relationships with our stakeholders
Foster a safe, diverse and inclusive workplace
Identify and actively manage climate change impacts, both in terms of physical and transition risks present in our operations
Foster positive partnerships with our local and regional communities and suppliers
Protect cultural heritage and actively engage with indigenous & traditional owner groups
Respect the human rights of all our stakeholders
We are committed to high standards of health and safety with the protection of our people critical to our success as a modern sustainable mining company.
We have implemented strong safety and health management systems and controls to assist in the management of Mining Principle Hazards. These arrangements are subjected to regular review, inspection, and audit internally and by independent third-party auditors.
We will strive to improve our safety and health performance and share our progress with our people and our stakeholders.
We have a strong focus on development of our people to allow our workforce to work as multi-disciplined team and grow professionally during their time with Federation Mining.
We recognise that mining is a temporary land use and are committed to high standards of environmental stewardship for the full life cycle of our operation. We intend to operate beyond legal compliance to deliver against the obligations of our social license and help to shape industry leading environmental practices.
We seek to minimise our impact on the environment through the use of low emission machines, prioritising the use of renewable energy, recycling, and reusing water, progressive rehabilitation of our operations and returning land to a natural state at the conclusion of mining operations.
Our operations will be subjected to regular review, inspection and audit by independent third-party auditors.
We value our social license to operate and understand the importance of working closely with our stakeholders and the communities which we operate within.
We seek to engage and foster positive, constructive relationships with our stakeholders through regular engagement and sharing of information.
We will seek to partner with local business and prioritise the hiring of local people to support the regional economies in which we operate.
We acknowledge human rights as a fundamental principle to which every human being is inherently entitled regardless of their personal, social, economic, cultural, or geographic circumstances.
We recognise our role in protecting the human rights of all people involved in, or impacted by, our business practices and preventing the worst forms of human rights breaches, including instances of modern slavery through the development of a Modern Slavery Statement and Supplier Code of Conduct.
We are committed to creating and maintaining a positive and collaborative work environment, free of unethical, unlawful, improper, or undesirable conduct or practices.
We have established a Whistle-blower policy and a hotline which has been rolled out to our team. The Board has oversight for any matter referred to the hotline which is managed by an independent third party.
We acknowledge that climate related risk has the potential to impact our business and communities we operate within.
We will work to identify and actively manage climate change impacts, both in terms of physical and transition risks present in our operations.
We commit to reporting emissions and energy consumption and disclose material climate related risks to our stakeholders.