Federation Mining is an Australian incorporated company established by experienced Australian underground mining engineers Mark Le Messurier & Jim Askew with the purpose of building a new gold/copper mining company.
Federation Mining will pursue opportunities where it is able to apply its skill set and experience in the sustainable and responsible development of mining projects across a range of regions.
The cornerstone project is the Snowy River Mine Project on the West Coast of the South Island of New Zealand.
The Snowy River mine is owned by Federation and fully permitted, with a workforce of over 80 people in place, surface infrastructure established on a small footprint with twin decline access with multiple ore drives already established onto the Birthday reef.
Federation is currently undertaking additional drilling to assist in enhancing our understanding of the Birthday Reef at depth.
In production the Snowy River mine will be a major employer on the West Coast and provide significant input in the New Zealand regional economy.

First world jurisdiction
Established mining industry on the west coast of NZ's South Island

Extremely high-grade gold
Inferred Resource: 700,000oz @ 23g/t Au

A well understood asset
More than US$13M invested in exploration and development studies

Proven development project
Located in region with long mining history and supportive of new economic development - Mining Permit approved December 2018
Federation Mining is an Australian incorporated company established by Mark Le Messurier and Jim Askew to build a new gold mining company. Federation will pursue opportunities where it is able to apply its expertise and experience in the development and management of mining projects across a range of regions with a strong focus on Sustainability.